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This is your Guestbook to share information with your friends and fellow AMTs

The owner of this guestbook has (temporarily) disabled adding new messages.

7:38am 05-10-2015
Whitey Gross
looks good to me. Not bad for having one arm tied behind your back Johnnie. :-)
7:20pm 05-09-2015
Mike Gareri
I understand the Prop Wash Gang has their reunion the same weekend in SA. Has anyone heard this?
5:28pm 05-09-2015
Leigh Sinnamon
Looks good!!
1:35pm 05-09-2015
Dan Greer
I'm no expert, looks like it works. Dan
10:14am 05-09-2015
Dave Ferreira
Good job, works fine..
8:42am 05-09-2015
Mark Blume
Working fine -- looks like I better get off my but and prepare 6 slabs of ribs to bar-b-que for Mothers day!!
11:13pm 05-08-2015
Pat Riley
Just checking out the guestbook. I don't remember if I ever went to the old one.
10:56pm 05-08-2015
Bill Helms
Great job on the new guestbook.
10:36pm 05-08-2015
Bob Cope
Proud to be an honorary wirebender....and glad y'all are coming into San Antonio during the FTVA Reunion!!
7:59pm 05-08-2015
Thomas Crump
I see my very good friend has checked it out.
Is this what happens when you click the face???
7:41pm 05-08-2015
Michael Gehri
Seems to be working OK...
6:25pm 05-08-2015
A new guestbook. Hope more people come along and try it out and leave a message.

The AMTA is having their bi-annual reunion this year again in San Antonio. Hope you will check out the information on the AMT Association site and make plans to attend. We always have a good time.
6:05pm 05-08-2015
Johnnie Estes
Making another entry ont his guestbook. Hope others will try it. This one is also FREE and hope it lasts as long as the other one did (about 11 years)
5:42pm 05-08-2015
Johnnie Estes
Just checking to see if this guestbook is working properly. JTE
Messages: 16 until 30 of 29.
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